Here is how to apply for a offshore job in Norway

There are a number of companies you can apply for. See an overview of companies within drilling, catering, ISO and boat at See also the overview of OLF’s member companies, and also follow up on NAV, staffing agencies and other portals with vacancies.

  • How to increase the chance of getting a job offshore?

If you dream of a job offshore, you may have been told that the easiest way to get a job is if you already have offshore experience. It may seem hopeless, but it is not. There are several ways in, and keep in mind that most people employed offshore today have previously been in your position. Here are some helpful tips for you looking for a job offshore.

  • Know what you’re doing

Remember that while it can be beneficial with a lot of leisure time, there is also a lot of travel, time away from home, and long, hard work days in all kinds of weather and conditions. You should have thought in advance if this is a type of job you can imagine. Also, be aware that many of the professions involve a certain risk and that it is one of the reasons why you get better paid. If you are prepared and ready for all this, just start the job search.

  • Get relevant experience

Experience counts a lot offshore, and most will require you to have relevant experience from the same type of work. You can gain that experience on land. For example, if you want to work as a crane operator, start applying for such a job on land. Some companies operating in the oil-related industry operate both offshore and onshore. If you get a job in such a company on land, there may be good chances that you will have the opportunity to leave. Please note that you will often have to give up a position that has been minced below the one you have had on land. Sometimes it can be easier to get a job on a boat than on a platform, so it can be a possible way to go.

  • Begin at the bottom

Most people who work in higher positions offshore have started at the bottom, such as deck work or maintenance work. To get started on a job offshore, it is important to be willing to take whatever you are offered. It may not be the most festive job, but it will give you a foot inside the door. Then you have the opportunity to work your way up or to another more relevant job. Many people start the offshore career as a substitute, so it is important that you are flexible and can set up at short notice.

  • Take the courses you need in advance

If you know what kind of job you want, it’s easy to find out which courses you need. If you have the courses in the box when you apply, you are at one a far more attractive job seeker. Often, the employer needs someone who can start right away, and then they often don’t have time to wait for you to get the courses first. Whatever you are working on, you will need a safety course: GSK if you want to work on a platform, IMO50 (formerly IMO60) if you want to work on a boat, so it can be a natural place to start. Also, take a look in our offshore professional guide to see what the different professions require of courses, education and experience.

  • CV, application and references

A neat resume shows that you are in order. Make sure to highlight relevant experience so that those who read through can easily see what you have to boast about. Keep in mind that many of the companies receive a large number of applications each week, and that they will appreciate a clear and good layout both in terms of CV and application. Feel free to have someone else read through what you have written before sending it off. Good references are also important, so write down people you have worked for / with, who may be good for you. Remember to ask them if it’s okay first.

  • Make use of contacts

Many people have got jobs through contacts, so if you know someone who works offshore, it could be a possible way in. Ask them to introduce you to someone a little higher up in the system, or to recommend you for a position. You have to prove yourself what you are good at in CV, application and interview, but often acquaintances can be good door openers.

  • Be a team person

Most job vacancies will ask for a person with good collaboration skills and who enjoys working in teams. Often they want people who are also good at working independently. Is that right for you, make sure you bring it up in application and interview, preferably by referring to previous work experience where you have worked that way.

  • Prepare for the job interview

The job interview for an offshore position is not unlike other job interviews. Practice answering common interview questions and show that you can communicate well, it will count positively.


  • Be patient with patience

Few people get a job right away, so be prepared that it may take time and that you may have to apply for a large number of positions before getting a job. Be patient, and remember that most of the people working offshore today have once been where you are now.


Check also CV Norway Offshore recruitment and what are needed to qualify to apply for offshore in Norway

5. March 2020

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