Working in Norway for…

Jeśli pracujesz w Norwegii, musisz     Businesses and self-employed persons   Information from  

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Paying tax in Norway

If you work in Norway you need toBusinesses and self-employed personsInformation from

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Nav  - Norwegian Labour and…

   (Lønnsgaranti) (Dagpenger permittering) (Sykepenger - EØS borgere) Formularze (Veiledning -utfylling av krav om dagpenger) (nødvendige vedlegg krav om dagpenger) (Meldeplikt -utfylling av meldekort) załączyć do zwolnienia (egenerklæring- utenlandsk sykemelding) Broszury  (Dagpengebrosjyre)  (Jobbe og bo i Norge,EURES)  

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Nav  - Norwegian Labour and…

(Brosjyre - Jobbe og bo i Norge)  (Lønnsgaranti)

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Nav  - Norwegian Labour and…

  NAV administers a third of the national budget through schemes such as unemployment benefit, work assessment allowance, sickness benefit, pensions, child benefit and cash-for-care benefit. NAV was established on 1 July 2006. The local authorities and central government cooperate to find good solutions for users through 456 NAV offices in municipalities and city boroughs. Each local authority and NAV agree on what local authority services their office should provide. The services provided by a NAV office will thus vary from local authority to local authority. Organization NAV, or the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, employs around 19,000 people. Of these around 14,000 are employed by the central government, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service, and around 5,000 are employed by the local authorities. In addition to the local NAV offices there are more than one hundred special units. The special units perform centralised duties that it would not be..

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Nav  - Norwegian Labour and…

Information on Polish  (Lønnsgaranti) (Dagpenger permittering) (Sykepenger - EØS borgere) Formularze (Veiledning -utfylling av krav om dagpenger) (nødvendige vedlegg krav om dagpenger) (Meldeplikt -utfylling av meldekort) załączyć do zwolnienia (egenerklæring- utenlandsk sykemelding) Broszury  (Dagpengebrosjyre)  (Jobbe og bo i Norge,EURES)  

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The interview process in…

HOW TO PLAN FOR YOUR INTERVIEW WITH YOUR NORWEGIAN EMPLOYER So you have set Norway as your work target, here are some of the questions you may get in the interviews. Many of the Norwegian employers are receiving a ton of emails and CVs with resumes attached mostly everyday. It will be wise to prepare for the types of questions you may get. There are many questions a norwegian employer has no right to ask by law, such as: What is your relationship status? Are you planning to have children? And other deep personal questions. Even if you have the right to not answer such direct personal questions, it is not always so wise to confront the questions, but rather sincerely reply that you dont think it has anything to do with the work. Remember that interviews is a dance, if you step on your partners toes too often, the..

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Requirements for working in…

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text] Registration at the police You can apply online or meet directly at the police or service for foreign workers office. You will aquire certification that you are EØS citizen, or permit to stay if you are outside EØS. Norwegian tax card Apply for a tax card at or at the foreign workers office. You also have to register norwegian adress if you are going to work in Norway for more than 6 months. D-number An employer needs a  D-number to be able to register you, which is assigned by Norway for workers with no norwegian id personal number. Norwegian bank account You can apply for a norwegian bank accound online  being the largest. Use the following phrase on Google to get results: "Nytt bank konto"   Now that you know the requirements, read on to know about the .   Why should they choose you? Are you..

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Finding work in Norway…

  Registration at the police You can apply online or meet directly at the police or service for foreign workers office. You will aquire certification that you are EØS citizen, or permit to stay if you are outside EØS. Tax card Apply for a tax card at or at the foreign workers office. You also have to register norwegian adress if you are going to work in Norway for more than 6 months. D-number An employer needs a  D-number to be able to register you, which is assigned by Norway for workers with no norwegian id personal number. Norwegian bank account You can apply for a norwegian bank accound online  being the largest. Use the following phrase on Google to get results: "Nytt bank konto"    

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