Ås, 13 hours ago - 2. December 2024
Health and social care / Doctor
Published 02-12-2024 Deadline: 17-12-2024 Vi søker veterinær med ph.d.-grad og interesse for medisinsk genetikk hos familiedyr/hund Om stillingenVed Institutt for prekliniske fag og patologi, Veterinærhøgskolen er det ledig stilling som postdoktor innen genetisk forskning på helse hos familiedyr med varighet 4...
Oslo, 2 days ago - 1. December 2024Published 01-12-2024 Deadline: 15-01-2025 PhD Research Fellowships in Economics Job descriptionA 2-4 PhD Research Fellow positions (SKO 1017) for the PhD programme are available at the Department of Economics:The appointments are for a period of 4 years with 25% teaching...
Ås, 5 days ago - 28. November 2024Health and social care / Doctor
Published 28-11-2024 Deadline: 13-12-2024 Stipendiat innen smådyrkirurgi Om stillingenVed NMBU Veterinærhøgskolen, Institutt for sports- og familiedyrmedisin, seksjon for smådyrsykdommer, er det ledig stilling som stipendiat innen korsbåndssykdom hos hund. Dette er en åremålsstilling med varighet på tre år.Stipendiaten skal...
Oslo, 5 days ago - 28. November 2024Education / University and Collage
Published 28-11-2024 Deadline: 25-01-2025 Doktorgradsstipendiat ved Senter for barn, unge og medier Om stillingenEn stilling som PhD-stipendiat (SKO 1017) er ledig ved Senter for Barn, unge og medier ved Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK), Universitetet i Oslo.Stillingen er knyttet...
Bergen, 5 days ago - 28. November 2024Education / University and Collage
Published 28-11-2024 Deadline: 05-01-2025 PhD position in User Modelling, Personalisation & Engagement at MediaFutures UiB - Knowledge that shapes societyThrough robust and close interaction with the world around us – globally, nationally and locally – we shall be instrumental...
Trondheim, 6 days ago - 27. November 2024Education / University and Collage
Published 27-11-2024 Deadline: 12-01-2025 PhD Candidate in Environmental Analytical Chemistry This is NTNUNTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.At NTNU, 9,000 employees...
Tromsø, 6 days ago - 27. November 2024Education / University and Collage
Published 27-11-2024 Deadline: 12-01-2025 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in law and/or ethics of artificial intelligence applications in health The positionApplications are invited for a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in Law and/or Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in health. This presents...
Stavanger, 6 days ago - 27. November 2024Education / University and Collage
Published 27-11-2024 Deadline: 09-01-2025 Postdoktor i optimalisering av multienergisystemer Om stillingenUniversitetet i Stavanger har ledig stilling som postdoktor i optimalisering av multienergisystemer ved Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, Institutt for energi- og petroleumsteknologi. Stillingen er ledig fra mars 2025.Formålet med stillingen er...
Tromsø, 6 days ago - 27. November 2024Education / University and Collage
Published 27-11-2024 Deadline: 02-03-2025 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in artificial intelligence for future healthcare solutions The positionAn exciting researcher position is available in the Department of Clinical Medicine in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science at UiT The Arctic...
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Job(s) : 2718