Living and working in…

[vc_row][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text] Labour market trends Unemployment  in Norway has been among the lowest levels in Europe for a number of years. In April 2010, NAV (the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) recorded unemployment rate of 3.2 per cent. Norway experienced an economic upturn in 2006 and 2007. However, towards the end of 2008 Norway also fell victim to the global financial crisis and 2009 was characterised by numerous lay-offs and increasing unemployment. The demand for labour varies in different sectors. The structure of employment varies considerably from one Norwegian county to the next. Public services and the fisheries are the dominant sectors in the northern part of Norway, while industry accounts for a large share in the coastal counties in southern Norway. Many people in the cities of Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim work in financial and business services. The regional variation is smaller in other sectors, such as building and construction. More..

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Religions in Norway

In Norway as of 2018, 69.9% of the population are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as compared to 96% in the 1960s. Kevin Boyle's 1997 global study of freedom of religion states that "Most members of the state church are not active adherents, except for the rituals of birth, confirmation, weddings, and burials. Some 3 per cent on average attend church on Sunday and 10 per cent on average attend church every month." Other religious groups operate freely and people are also free not to be affiliated with any religion or life stance. Approximately 17.4% are not members of any official religious or philosophical communities, while about 12.7% of the population are members of other religious or philosophical communities outside the Church of Norway. Catholics and Muslims are each about 3% of the population and have been rising in numbers in recent years. About 1.8% of the population lists..

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Drivers license in Norway

For updated information see EEA/EU Driver's licence from EEA/EU countries can be used in Norway. If you want to settle in Norway and you come from a country outside the EEA/EU, there are different rules for changing your driver's licence depending on the country you come from. Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Monaco, New Zeland, San Marino, South Korea, USA If you are coming from one of these countries: Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Monaco, New Zealand, San Marino, South Korea or the United States, you can exchange your driver's license for a Norwegian driving licence after you pass a practical driver trial. You must replace your foreign driver's licence within one year of your registered resident of Norway. If you seek too late, you must conduct compulsory training and pass the theoretical and practical driving test. The trade-off must be completed within two years from the Norway of permanent..

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Embassies in Oslo, Norway

The following embassies are present in Oslo. To get the most upto date information on active embassies, visit (Norwegian goverment).     Mission Telephone Telefax Email Website Postal address Afghanistan 22 12 35 70 22 12 35 71 Postboks 4050 AMB 0244 OSLO Algeria 22 55 75 31,  21 60 88 30 22 55 75 30 Sigurd Syrs gate 2 0273 OSLO Argentina 22 55 24 48/49, 23 27 32 00 23 27 32 01 Postboks 4085 AMB 0244 OSLO Austria 22 54 02 00 22 55 43 61 Postboks 4014 AMB 0244 OSLO Belgium 23 23 92 20 23 23 92 32 Postboks 4012 AMB 0244 OSLO Bosnia and Herzegovina 22 54 09 60 Postboks 4038 AMB 0244 OSLO Brazil 22 54 07 30/43/44; Postboks 4083 AMB 0244 OSLO Bulgaria 22 55..

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Where can i get…

This is how you get yourself a norwegian phone number. Sim cards can be bought in: Elkjøp 7-eleven Telehuset You will have to bring a valid ID card, which is passport, norwegian bank card with picture, EU drivers license along with you D-number if you are not a norwegian citizen. Cards can also be bought online from mobile subscription companies such as: Talkmore Onecall Lebara Telenor Telia Tele2  

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How do i bring…

RULES AND HOW TO MOVE YOUR GOODS ALONG WITH YOU TO NORWAY Commonly asked questions to Norwegian customs on Households - import when moving to Norway If you have lived abroad continuously for more than one year, you may bring most of your household effects to Norway free of duties and taxes. You may import your household effects free of duties and taxes if: you have been abroad continuously for at least one year you have owned and used the objects during your stay abroad, and you will continue to use them in Norway you are importing the objects in connection with moving to Norway You have to fill in a declaration for the import of household goods (RD0030) You have to submit the declaration to Norwegian Customs when you arrive in Norway to declare your household goods. If you are unable to be present during customs processing, you must..

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