Registration at the police

You can apply online or meet directly at the police or service for foreign workers office.

You will aquire certification that you are EØS citizen, or permit to stay if you are outside EØS.

Norwegian tax card

Apply for a tax card at or at the foreign workers office. You also have to register norwegian adress if you are going to work in Norway for more than 6 months.


An employer needs a  D-number to be able to register you, which is assigned by Norway for workers with no norwegian id personal number.

Norwegian bank account

You can apply for a norwegian bank accound online Dnb being the largest.

Use the following phrase on Google to get results:

«Nytt bank konto»

Now that you know the requirements, read on to know about the interview process and the types of questions you may get.

Why should they choose you?

Are you confident about your qualifications and know what you can do?

Can you think outside the box?

Can you familiarise yourself with the norwegian job market?

Can you find vacant positions you want to apply for?

Do you have a CV which can make you stand out?

Do you have a job application which meets the demands of the employer?

Are you ready for a job interview?
Read more


Can i work in Norway?

Citizens of EU counties may apply for work permit. Check if your country is eligible at

How expensive is Norway?

Although the the average income is among the highest in the world, Norway is expensive. A few examples in 2020: Houserent for 50m2 apartment is beween 10-14.000NOK, a soda costs 25-30NOK, 0.5lier milk 17NOK, bread 25-30NOK.

Is medical care free in Norway?

Acording to helsenorge: Everyone living in Norway has the right for needed health and social care services.

Can i apply for job from outside of Norway?

Yes you can. Make sure you are eligible for work permit first. For skilled workers, you are required to prove your qualification, usually by diploma, accepted by UDI.

How long must i work for citizenship?

In order to apply for a permanent residence permit, you must have held a residence permit in Norway for at least three years and meet certain other requirements. See

8. januar 2020

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