
Published 24-03-2025
Deadline: 21-04-2025

The Dataflow & Automation team is expanding due to increasing demands

The Solution Architect ensures alignment between business objectives and technical solutions, fostering efficient collaboration and effective project outcomes.

A Solution Architect operates as an expert in designing the integrations for developers and is important in the project phase to translate business requirements to fit for purpose integrations.

The Solution Architect is aware of the business changes and platform roadmap to propose operational and functions improvement initiatives.

KONGSBERG IT serves as a shared service for the Kongsberg Group and its business areas. The function currently has over 300 employees spread across several locations and is tasked with supporting the business areas' ambitions for growth and development, as well as contributing to the secure and efficient operation of IT services. KONGSBERG IT is and will be the most important IT partner for the business areas.

Key accountabilities:

  • Be the link between business stakeholders and our team developers
  • Planning and implementation of new integrations in close cooperation with the business
  • Further develop our integration platform based on Azure Integration Services
  • Contribute to overall solution design and development processes
  • Working closely with the IT Architect team
  • Capture requirements from projects and daily operations
  • Staying up-to-date with Technological trends

Qualifications and experience:

  • Several years of relevant experience with large and complex integration environments
  • Experience with enterprise integration middleware such as Azure Integration services
  • Good communication skills and ability to translate business and technical requirements to relevant resources
  • Knowledge and experience with one or more of the following products/technologies is wanted, but not required:
    • WebMethods
    • Biztalk Server
    • Azure DevOps

You are:

  • A person with good analytic and development skills
    • Positive, robust, tolerant and cooperative
    • Independent, professional and quality minded
    • Focused on the business needs and expectations
    • Comfortable working in a demanding, challenging and international environment
    • Skilled in English, both written and oral

What we can offer you:

  • Competitive salary and benefit packages
  • Good development opportunities in an international environment
  • Flexible work hours and holiday arrangements
  • Good pension and insurance scheme.
  • An inspiring and safe work environment

About the employer:

Our company is not a passing trend; we have existed for 200 years and are fully committed to the future. One of our strengths is that we develop and adapt. With growth and development, it is never boring, and we constantly face demanding and complex tasks that require great effort and focus. Continuing education and skill enhancement are not just nice words; we take this very seriously. A lot of professional development is provided, and it is expected that everyone is eager to engage with the technological changes we are facing. We aim to grow both nationally and globally and become a leader in our fields.

Candidates applying for the position will undergo a background check as part of the recruitment process, and the results of this check will be considered when selecting a candidate. To be considered for the position, you must be able to obtain security clearance and authorization, in accordance with the Security Act.

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Arbeidsgiver Kongsberg Gruppen Kongsberg IT orgnr:
Kort om arbeidsgiver Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace AS er en internasjonal leverandør av forsvars- og romfartsrelaterte systemer.

Våre produkter er i verdensrommet og hundrevis av meter under havoverflaten. Våre løsninger og vår teknologi brukes av norske soldater, som hver dag – i inn- og utland – bidrar til å sikre vår trygghet.

Dette kan vi levere, fordi vi har mer enn 3000 dedikerte og kompetente medarbeidere som sammen skaper løsninger og produkter i verdensklasse.

Vi har bidratt til Norges trygghet i mer enn 200 år. Nå ruster vi oss for å skape trygghet for de 200 neste.

Bransje Uoppgitt/ ikke identifiserbare
Yrke Ikke identifiserbare
Sted KONGSBERG (Adresse: Kirkegårdsveien 45 Postnr: 3616)
Stillingstype Fast Heltid Antall stillinger: 1
Krav Unknown
Tiltredelse Unknown
Søknadsfrist 21-04-2025

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