
Published 02-12-2024
Deadline: 09-01-2025


Professor II/førsteamanuensis og overlege i radiologi

The Institute of Clinical Medicine has a vacant position as Professor II/Associate Professor (20 %) of Radiology . The part-time academic position is combined with a full-time (100%) senior consultant position in Radiology at Akershus University Hospital, Department of Diagnostic Imaging.

Relating the main position:

Department of Diagnostic imaging is organized in the Division of Diagnostics and technology. The Department performs approximately 320 000 examinations every year and has locations at Nordbyhagen, Lillestrøm, Gardermoen, Ski and Kongsvinger . The department has sections within all areas of radiology, and   the clinical working location for the main position will be based on the successful applicant’s clinical experience. There are approximately 110 senior physicians and resident positions at the department and we have an on-duty team that consists of 3 residents as well as senior consultants in vascular intervention, non-vascular intervenstion, neuroradiology and within abdominal, thorax, musculoskeletal and childrens diagnostic radiology.
The department has a research group within clinical radiology. This group has ongoing research within the main organ systems as stroke diagnostics and treatment, lung screening, MR/CT of the heart, MRI of lumbar stenosis, CT /MRI in bowel diseases, Diagnostics and treatment of renal tumours , MRI of the prostate  and MRI of the placenta. Many research projects investigate the use of artificial intelligence.
At present, we have 4 professors /associate professors positions, 3 postdocs and 9 PhD candidates. In 2024 2 PhD candidates from our research group defended their thesis successfully.  One of our professor positions are now vacant due to retirement.
By appointment, 40 % of the senior consultant position is expected to be used for research and teaching.

Akershus universitetssykehus HF er en arbeidsplass med stort mangfold. Det er en klar styrke, og avgjørende for å løse våre mange oppgaver innen pasientbehandling, pasientoppfølging, forskning og undervisning. Vi ønsker oss derfor også et mangfold av søkere til ledige stillinger, og oppfordrer alle kvalifiserte til å søke, uavhengig av identitet og bakgrunn. Arbeidsgiver tar forbehold om endring av arbeidssted, arbeidsoppgaver og ansvarsområde ved behov.



Authorization and medical license issued by the Norwegian Directorate of Health
Certified qualifications in the specialty of Radiology  issued by the Norwegian Directorate of Health, this includes qualifications and willingness to fill the role as on-duty senior physician
Applicants must speak Norwegian, Swedish or Danish to be capable to communicate with the patients and other employees.
Hold a strong record in research within radiology with on-going research activity
Applicants must have good cooperative and communication skills

Regarding the part-time (20 %) academic position:
For complete job description with qualification requirements and basis of evaluation on the academic position, please see:

Interpersonal skills and the ability to create an attractive research environment, plans for research and ambitions relating to the applicant's personal teaching practice will be emphasized. The successful applicant will participate in teaching of medical students at the University of Oslo. As a main rule, interviews will be held and references collected. Applicants may also be required to give a trial lecture.
Application for the academic part-time position must include:
A cover letter and CV. 
Complete list of publications.
Separate list of 10 most relevant publications to be evaluated specifically for the position (please submit in full text). 
Overview of experience in supervising PhD candidates, including names of the candidates, period of supervision, information on institutions and dates for the presentation of the theses, as well as specific information regarding experience  as main- or co-supervisor for each candidate.
form—phd-candidate-supervision.pdf (
Description of qualifications regarding administration, leadership, teaching and foreign language skills.
Other relevant qualifications.
Please, scan and send the documents as PDF-files (maximum 10 MB)
See guidelines for designing the application, information for applicants, rules for appointments to Associate/Adjunct Professorships as well as rules concerning pedagogical skills:  

HR- Officer in charge Maren Retterstøl Olaisen, Institute of Clinical Medicine (questions regarding the academic application) phone: +47 228 50 545

Reference number: 2024/20694



Nina Michelle Rolland Krogh, Head of department , +4791646280
Anne Nergård, Head of Section, Professor , + 47 419 06 371
Trygve Holmøy, Head of University Clinic, professor , +47 917 31 968
Torbjørn Omland, Head of Campus Ahus, professor , +47 40107050


Sykehusveien 25
1474 Nordbyhagen


Arbeidsgiver: Akershus universitetssykehus HF

Referansenr.: 4891367505
Stillingsprosent: 100%
Søknadsfrist: 09.01.2025




Arbeidsgiver Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Akerhus University Hospital orgnr:
Kort om arbeidsgiver

Akershus universitetssykehus (Ahus) er et lokal- og områdesykehus for ca. 618 000 innbyggere. Hovedoppgavene er pasientbehandling, forskning, undervisning og pasientopplæring. Vi har pasienttilbud innen somatikk, psykisk helsevern og rusbehandling.Tjenestestedet er imidlertid Akershus universitetssykehus HF og innbefatter alle sykehusets lokasjoner. Arbeidsgiver tar forbehold om endring av arbeidssted, arbeidsoppgaver og ansvarsområde ved behov.

«Menneskelig nær – faglig sterk» er vår visjon

 Diagnostikk og teknologidivisjonen har ansvaret for diagnostiske tjenester innenfor alle laboratoriespesifikke områder og bildediagnostikk, samt smittevern, medisinsk teknikk, e-helse og behandlingshjelpemidler.

Divisjonen byr på spennende fagoppgaver med forsknings- og utviklingsmuligheter i et moderne og ekspansivt sykehus.

Bransje Utdanning
Yrke Universitet og høyskole
Sted LØRENSKOG (Adresse: Sykehusveien 25 Postnr: 1474)
Stillingstype Annet Heltid Antall stillinger: 1
Sektor Offentlig
Krav Høyere utdanning
Tiltredelse Unknown
Søknadsfrist 09-01-2025

Kilde: NAV stillingsannonser