
Published 16-10-2024
Deadline: 24-11-2024


Phd Scholarship in Military Professional Education

The Norwegian Military Academy (KS) is a school that is part of the Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC). The military academy provides education at bachelor’s degree level. KS educates leaders for the Army and offers education in military studies and leadership, with specializations in land power, civil engineering, and military geomatics, while conducting research in the fields of land power and military leadership, covering topics such as military strategy, pedagogy, ethics, and logistics. KS is Norway’s leading educational and research institution within its fields of expertise.

The position of PhD fellow (code 1017) has a duration of three or four years. The planned start date is January 1, 2025. The doctoral work should contribute to fulfilling NDUC’s mission of educating and motivating cadets, students, and pupils to defend Norway in times of peace, crisis, and war.

The dissertation should broadly aim to improve educational practices in military professional education. The research question must be within the theme of military professional education and relevant to military operations. For example, it can explore the interaction between the practical and theoretical components of education, military didactics and pedagogy, the use of exercises and war games, student-centered learning methods, learning technologies, assessment forms, motivation, and military professional socialization.

Work Tasks

  • Write a doctoral dissertation on a research question within the theme of 'military operations and military didactics
  • Contribute to the academic environment at NDUC/KS, particularly in military didactics/pedagogy


  • Master’s degree or equivalent competence in educational sciences, psychology, or another relevant discipline. A minimum grade of B on the master’s thesis
  • Excellent speaking and writing skills in a Scandinavian language and English
  • The hired candidate must be able to obtain a security clearance for RESTRICTED before starting the position



  • Knowledge of/experience from the Norwegian Armed Forces
  • Insight into educational theories and methods
  • Work and teaching experience from research or educational institutions
  • Scientific and popular science publications within education-related fields

Personal Qualities

  • Ability to work independently and with a clear focus on goals
  • Good collaboration skills
  • Good holistic perspective and understanding

We Offer

  • Excellent opportunities for professional and personal development
  • A traditional, friendly, and academically stimulating work environment
  • Good pension and welfare benefits, including the possibility of exercise during work hours
  • The position is remunerated according to the Norwegian government's salary scale for PhD fellows, code 1017, salary grade 59–65 (currently NOK 575 400– 635 400 gross per year), depending on qualifications. Higher salary may be considered for particularly qualified candidates. A mandatory 2% contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund is deducted

Other relevant information:

  • Employment is conditional upon the applicant being accepted into an approved PhD program at a Norwegian or international institution. The process of applying for an approved PhD program at a Norwegian or international institution happens after the offer for a PhD scholarship has been given by the NDUC. The application must include a CV, transcripts, any list of publications, references, and a project outline on the proposed dissertation topic, up to a maximum of 8 pages. The applicant must be prepared to submit five copies of relevant publications for assessment
  • The application must include a CV, transcripts, any list of publications, references, and a project outline on the proposed dissertation topic, up to a maximum of 8 pages. The applicant must be prepared to submit five copies of relevant publications for assessment


Carsten F. Rønnfeldt, Professor, 41556155


Utfartsveien 2
0593 Oslo


Arbeidsgiver: Forsvaret

Referansenr.: 4874002427
Stillingsprosent: 100%
Søknadsfrist: 24.11.2024




Arbeidsgiver Norwegian Military Academy, Norwegian Defence University College   orgnr:
Kort om arbeidsgiver

Forsvarets høgskole består av sju utdanningsavdelinger og ett forskningsinstitutt. Hovedoppgaven for høgskolen er å utdanne alt befal og alle offiserer i Forsvaret. Som ansatt ved Forsvarets høgskole blir du en del av Norges fremste fagmiljø innenfor sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitikk og militærmakt. 

I Forsvaret er det ønskelig at arbeidsstyrken i størst mulig grad skal gjenspeile mangfoldet i befolkningen. Vi oppfordrer kvalifiserte kandidater til å søke, uavhengig av kjønn, kulturell bakgrunn, hull i CV-en eller funksjonsevne. Vi vil sørge for tilrettelegging på arbeidsplassen hvis det er behov for dette. Noen av Forsvarets stillinger kan ha egne helsekrav og krav til fysisk skikkethet.

I henhold til offentlighetsloven § 25 andre ledd kan opplysninger om søkeren bli offentliggjort selv om søkeren har anmodet om ikke å bli oppført på søkerlisten. Det er egne regler for militære stillinger.

Forsvaret benytter elektronisk søknadsbehandling. Attester og vitnemål må legges ved søknaden. Høyere utdanning gjennomført utenfor Norge må være offentlig godkjent av NOKUT eller Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse. Godkjenningen må dokumenteres.

Det blir gjennomført bakgrunnsjekk når sikkerhetsklareringen gjennomføres.

Les mer om jobb i Forsvaret.

Bransje Natur og miljø
Yrke Veterinærer og dyrepleiere
Sted OSLO (Adresse: Utfartsveien 2 Postnr: 0593)
Stillingstype Engasjement Heltid Antall stillinger: 1
Sektor Offentlig
Krav Unknown
Tiltredelse Unknown
Søknadsfrist 24-11-2024

Kilde: NAV stillingsannonser