Vi søker etter dyktig bartender – The Villa Oslo Dancing AS

Reiseliv og mat Restaurant

(5 days ago)

  • OSLO
  •  Post Date: 28. June 2024
  •  Expire date: 19. July 2024
Job Description

Published 28-06-2024
Deadline: 19-07-2024


Vi søker etter dyktig bartender

Vi søker herved etter en dyktig bartender. Er du en person med lidenskap for cocktails og god service, samt med et glimt i øyet vil vi at du skal sende oss en søknad.

Ønskede kvalifikasjoner:

  • interesse for kultur og bartending
  • gjerne arbeidserfaring innen cafe/restaurant/bar
  • har du avlagt salutt-kurs er det en fordel
  • beherske norsk/svensk evt flytende engelsk

Vi tilbyr:

  • et godt og uformelt arbeidsmiljø
  • være med på videreutvikling av et spennende konsept

Noe for deg? Send CV til Merk søknaden “bartender”. Alle henvendelser og søknader ønskes skriftlig. Vi kontakter kun aktuelle kandidater.




Arbeidsgiver The Villa Oslo Dancing AS orgnr: 996190536
Kort om arbeidsgiver

The Villa is an underground club sanctuary that has quickly achieved a reputable status thanks to a consistent run of interesting, current, and cutting edge bookings. Located in the center of Oslo, The Villa provides a place where people are able to come, leave their inhibitions at the door, and dance the night away to the beats of both national and international respected DJs.

The Villa was voted the 54th best club in the world by DJ Mag in 2009 in a survey where 500 of the world's best DJs cast their vote (this was up from the 94th place it was rewarded the year before). In 2008 it was also voted by the readers of Resident Advisor to be one of the top 100 clubs in the world. And at the end of 2014 it was chosen as one of the top 25 clubs in Europe in an article featured in The Guardian written by dj's, label managers and promoters.

Bransje Reiseliv og mat
Yrke Restaurant
Sted OSLO (Adresse: Møllergata 23 Postnr: 0179)
Stillingstype Fast Deltid Antall stillinger: 1
Sektor Privat
Krav Norskkunnskaper
Tiltredelse Etter avtale
Søknadsfrist 19-07-2024

Kilde: NAV stillingsannonser