Get a norwegian bank…

How can i get a Norwegian bank account? To be able to open a bank account in Norway, you will first need to obtain a D-number. When you have your d-number, you can apply for «minID» which is an online digital ID. You can then contact the bank you wish to use, and here is a few of the banks in Norway: Dnb, Nordea, Sparebank1, Sbanken, Gjensidige.   D-number is a temporary identity number that can be used for several purposes, such as accessing or getting a bank account. To get the D-number, you must apply for a residence permit from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). You can then apply for a d number from the tax office (skatteetaten). You will need a work contract and place to live, for more information, visit and fill out the online form to find the requirements for your situation.  ..

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